The Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future
Fighting for our values
Our members come from a diversity of backgrounds, united in our love for Australia and our belief that Australia’s success is best guaranteed by free individuals and communities having a go and making a contribution. We reject our opponents’ belief that our prosperity can ever be guaranteed by big government, more spending and higher taxes.
We believe in the freedom of the individual, equal opportunity for all, private property and the rule of law, and in defending fundamental freedoms – the freedom of thought, worship, speech and association.
We support small government, free enterprise and individual freedom.
As a member you can help shape Young LNP policy, have your say on the issues of the day and aspire to a leadership role in the LNP’s organisation or as a Parliamentary representative.
Our Movement is full of strong and effective advocates for our cause and values. As a key part of this, we support and upskill our members with the leadership qualities they need to be their best.
The Young LNP play an integral role in supporting the election of Liberal National Governments in Queensland both in terms of running campaigns and providing important on the ground grassroots support.
A message from the President
This year we have the most impactful election of a generation, the State Election, in October. Many of us have only lived under LNP state governments for 3 years of our lives - and our generation has been robbed of opportunity as a result.
We must learn from the aggressive tactics we saw from the Greens and Labor at the Brisbane City Council election, and show up for the people of Queensland.
The YLNP is often referred to as the campaign machine of the LNP - so we must be on top of our game. To ensure we are able to put our values into place, the contribution our movement makes is critical to winning the 14 seats required to win State Government.
Our focus this year must be singular - electing David Crisafulli as Premier of our great state. It is only through ensuring the election of an LNP majority government that we can have a chance to implement our values.
I’ve put together an experienced and trusted team, drawing from our Movement’s broad and diverse talent base, from Cairns to Coolangatta. We will focus on delivering campaign excellence across the length and breadth of this state, harnessing opportunities to grow our movement and being a loud voice for young Queenslanders.
Let’s come together and take the fight to the Left. Ours is the team with the experience, the passion and the drive to make our movement the best it can be.
Together we can grow and strengthen our movement, to help deliver the generational change in Government that Queensland so desperately needs.
Alex Sinenko
Young LNP President