Donate to the Young LNP

PLEASE NOTE: On the Donation Form through the link, please ensure for “Segment ID / Party Unit” you write “820 Young LNP”

How your contribution helps

The Young LNP provides opportunities for young people who are passionate about the values of the Liberal National Party to develop ideas and hone their political skills. It has never been more important for young people to be engaged in politics and be equipped with the skills to make a contribution to our country through their personal, professional or political careers.

Liberal values must now be defended by a new generation. Liberty, equal opportunity, justice and humanity are so important to the success of our state and our country. We must express these values as a solution to modern challenges.

Your contribution provides further opportunities for young people to develop their ideas, campaign for our success and meet like-minded supporters of the Liberal National Party. As custodians of a legacy spanning 70 years, we understand the role of the youth movement to both challenge and champion the ideas of the Liberal and National parties.

Your investment will allow these activities to continue and grow.